
About Vee

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So far Vee has created 251 blog entries.

A Journey of Discovery: Asexuality and Fanfiction

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 27th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Guest Blogs|Tags: , , |

For Asexual Awareness Week we reached out to bloggers who identify somewhere on the asexual spectrum to write posts related to asexuality and YA. We're happy to bring you the second post in this series! Check back every day this week for more posts from other great guest bloggers. If you missed the first one, here it is! Warning: This post contains slightly mature content. It may be inappropriate for young audiences.  by Dragon A I discovered my asexuality through fanfiction. Put like that, it sounds slightly ridiculous. However, if I was not such an avid reader of fanfic I'm pretty [...]

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Let’s Save Some Lives, Shall We? Asexuality in Mainstream YA

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 26th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Guest Blogs|Tags: , , |

We're thrilled to bring you our first guest post for Asexual Awareness Week! We reached out to bloggers who identify somewhere on the asexual spectrum to write posts related to asexuality and YA. Check back every day this week for more posts from other great guest bloggers!   by Teresa Santos How many mainstream YA books have you read with canon openly asexual characters? None? Don't worry, you won't be the only one. After all, the number of such books is a shiny, round zero. But, you might say, what about Liraz in Daughter of Smoke and Bone? What of [...]

Review: Pantomime by Laura Lam

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 25th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Club, Book Review, Teen Voices|Tags: , , , |

by Georgie Penney Compared to my usual reading choices, this was the furthest out of my comfort zone that I’ve read in a long time, and I’m so glad that I decided to give it a go. Pantomime starts as the tale of two apparently unlinked young people: the young would-be trapeze artist Micah Grey, and the noblewoman who calls herself Gene who’s about to be married off, should her parents get their way. These boy-girl dual storylines are increasingly common in YA so I assumed something along the lines of a love story, albeit an unusual one. [...]

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How about NO?

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 24th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Guest Blogs|Tags: , , |

Your fave is problematic; deal with it. Disclaimer: I’m not here to bash authors or to tell you not to pick these books up. I’m just being honest about what I believe is not good LGBTQIA+ representation at all. Spoilers for WINGER. When I say queer I mean LGBTQIA+. We have all been there. You hear about this AMAZING BOOK, everybody in the blogosphere/BookTube/Twitter is talking about it and giving it 5 stars left and right…so you decide you have to read it! And you do. You spend money on a book you feel is going to rock [...]

Interview With Alaya Dawn Johnson: Transcript

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 23rd, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Interview, Book Club|Tags: , , |

We interviewed Alaya Dawn Johnson author of The Summer Prince and Love is the Drug. Find the recorded interview here!  V: Hey everyone, I’m Victoria. K: And I’m Kathleen.  Today we have Alaya Dawn Johnson with us, author of our September book of the month, The Summer Prince.  Alaya, thank you for joining us, all the way from Mexico City! A: Thanks so much for having me. K: The Summer Prince is a dystopian science fiction novel that takes place many years in the future. V: We chose it for our September book of the month because it [...]

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Review: My Date from Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy) by Tellulah Darling

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 22nd, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Review|Tags: , , |

by Simren Handa In My Date From Hell, book two in the Blooming Goddess Trilogy, Tellulah Darling has crafted a perfectly imaginative and witty novel filled with quirky, interesting characters which appeal wonderfully to the YA market. I laughed numerous times at some of the lively one liners and, overall, thoroughly enjoyed reading about Sophie, Kai, Festos, Theo, Hannah and Pierce. Each character was distinctive in their appeal and as a protagonist, I thought that Sophie was believably vulnerable; a sixteen year old with issues and complications, plenty of snark and feisty charm, battling through the trials of growing [...]

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Review: Camp Carnage by Elliot Cross

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 21st, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Review|Tags: , , |

In the summer of 1986, Billy Collins is sent to his own personal Hell - summer camp. The remote Camp Genesis offers desperate parents a place to "straighten" out their gay teenagers with the help of the puritanical Katherine Creevey. Besides the typical horsing around, campfire tales and summer games, the Genesis program forces gay and questioning teens into humiliating gender-based lessons. While Billy wants nothing more than to escape Camp Genesis, he can't help worrying that something even more sinister is hiding just out of sight. Unknown to Billy, two campers were murdered three years ago. Just [...]

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On Seasickness and Honest Sexuality in Witch Eyes

By |2020-03-28T13:42:27-05:00October 20th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Review|Tags: , , , , |

GayYA is thrilled to welcome one of our new regular contributors Nathaniel Harrington!  I'm going to do my best to keep this spoiler-free, which means avoiding talking about the main plot. Briefly, it's really good. The action is engaging, the villains are excellent, and the resolution is satisfying and still has real, long-term consequences for the main characters. Tracey balances the main plot with fantastic characterization, and that's really what I want to talk most about here. Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey (Flux, 2011) First, let's talk about the handling of Braden's sexuality. A lot of [...]

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Call for Asexual Guest Bloggers for Asexual Awareness Week

By |2020-03-28T13:42:28-05:00October 19th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Updates and Announcements|

Asexual Awareness Week begins on the 26th! We're looking for asexual guest bloggers to talk about asexuality in YA, or something related to it. You can talk about your own experience, a book with an ace character that you love, how authors can represent asexuality better, or anything else that you've come up with! We're really open to anything, provided it is in some way related to YA. We'd like to get things planned out by the 22nd so everything can be written, edited, and posted on schedule-- if you want to toss your hat in the ring, get in touch by Tuesday the 21st. [...]

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Why the Angst? Where’s the Gay?

By |2020-03-28T13:42:28-05:00October 17th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Teen Voices|Tags: , |

We're thrilled to welcome one of our new regular contributors, Karina Rose! If you’ve heard of the internet, or magazines, or television, or know a lonely female, then you’ve heard at least something about Fifty Shades of Grey, the Twilight fanfic turned best-selling novel that sold over 100 million copies, despite the fact that it is poorly written, misrepresents an entire subculture, enables suffering amongst female readers, and, I cannot emphasize this enough, is based off of Twilight fanfiction. I wish I were joking. The book itself has been called “a joke”. But I think it’s a joke that has [...]

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