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Being a Straight Ally

By |2020-03-28T13:43:21-05:00April 5th, 2011|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Writers on Writing|Tags: , |

Chandra Rooney has threatened to stop watching Glee if Kurt and Blaine break up. She sporadically updates her personal blog (Dreaming in Red,) and you can follow her on twitter as @sakuralovestea.   If you had asked teen me to name LGBTQ characters and canon pairings in YA lit, most of them would’ve come from Asian comics. The novels I remember reading as a teen—LJ Smith, Christopher Pike, RL Stine—were all hetro couples; manga was where to find the variety. It was probably Cardcaptor Sakura that I most connected with; CLAMP had written a story reflecting the relationships [...]


By |2020-03-28T13:43:24-05:00April 4th, 2011|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Writers on Writing|Tags: |

I think my greatest hope as a writer is that I’ll resonate with someone. Not everyone. I think it’s impossible to write something that resonates with everyone. But even if just one person reads something I wrote and can empathize with a character or a situation, I’ve done what I set out to do. When writing succeeds, it’s because of resonance. The writer holds up a mirror and gives us the shock of recognition. Sometimes we relate to a character’s aspirations. Sometimes we just understand their hardships. I’m not sure I believe in universal truths but I definitely [...]

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