Those of us who love LGBTQIAP+ books are a fairly small, niche group. As such, it can be extremely hard for friends and loved ones to find gifts for us. Of course, as a well-rounded group of people with myriad interests, we don’t need gifts that reflect this part of our personality. But occasionally, it would be nice to receive a gift that reflected this bookish love.

After years of feeling this way, I finally decided to put together a guide to some of the best gifts I have found for LGBTQIAP+ book lovers. Let me know if you have more ideas!



Shop Highlight

Effie Calvin
Effie Calvin’s Etsy store features a wide variety of velvet bookmarks designed with beads in various pride flag colors. These bookmarks are elegant and artistic. Plus, they provide the opportunity to show off pride more subtly than some of the above options. If the person you are purchasing a gift for is not out, these bookmarks allow them to pass under the gaydar if need be.

Fan Art

Shop Highlight

If you don’t know of Laya’s fan art, you are missing out! Laya is a fantastic artist, with many prints that feature characters from various LGBTQIAP+ YA novels. Some of my favorites are her pieces inspired by Wilder Girls and the Sidekick Squad series.

Laya is currently on break for holiday, so you won’t be able to purchase anything from her shop now. But I highly recommend following her on Twitter and bookmarking her shop page for future purchases!

General Bookish Pride

Still looking?

  • Pre-order an upcoming LGBTQIAP+ YA release. We recommend this list!
  • Buy a gift card to a local independent bookstore.

Got more ideas? We’d love to hear them! Tweet us your gift ideas @YA_Pride