Hey everyone! It’s almost the end of 2014 (??!?!?!??!?!!!!!). We’re looking ahead at the new year, and planning out what 2015 will look like. GayYA is driven by the community, and we want to go where your interests are. To do that, we need to get some basic info from ya’ll, and feedback on things that are and are not working for you, and things that you’d like to see in the future.
Go here and answer these 10 questions to help make 2015 an awesome year for GayYA!
Also: if at any time you have have any comments, concerns, or ideas, email me (Vee) at vee@gayya.org. Doesn’t matter if you’ve only found us yesterday or have never been in contact with us before. GayYA is for you all, and we seek to be an inclusive and actively supportive space and resource for everyone– so hearing from you is vital!