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We’re starting up a new feature to go along with our Book of the Month: Fan Artist Feature! Every month, we’ll be highlighting the fan art that someone has created of what we’ve chosen for our Book of the Month. To start it off, we’re featuring one of the most talented and awesome people I know: Laya.

I met Laya through our mutual love of the Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr. We got to know each other better through tumblr and twitter, trading queer book recs and complaining about Supernatural. She is now helping me out with MelissaMarrFans and we co-founded LauraLamFans. Laya makes gorgeous fan art for pretty much all the super unknown queer books that I’m in love with. She’s also done a great series of asexual characters. Most of her stuff is up on society6, available for purchase!

Laya can be found at discordanddarknessthecoloursfalllikesnow​, and layaart . She can also be found on Twitter @layahimalaya.

Here’s what Laya has to say about making fan art for the Micah Grey series: “I read Pantomime and Shadowplay earlier this year, and I completely fell in love with the world and characters. I immediately had a bunch of ideas of fan art I just had to do, especially since there’s almost no other fan art out there for the series. I really hope that people who haven’t read the books might see my art and become interested! and I plan to keep making as much art as I can for this series.”

One of our new aims with this site is to cultivate and promote queer fandom: there is a huge lack of it out there, even for really well-known names like David Levithan and Malinda Lo. And this should not be the case– there are legions of fans out there! Since my background is in fandom to begin with, we’re going to try and remedy this situation. See here for more information


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