Scott Tracey is the author of WITCH EYES, a modern, gay Romeo & Juliet with witches, coming in September. He can be found on Twitter at!/scott_tracey and his blog at
When I started fleshing out the idea behind WITCH EYES – back when it was just a concept rather than a story, I knew I wanted it to be different. I read a lot of urban fantasy/paranormal, so I knew that’s what I wanted to write. As a reader, there were a lot of great books, but there weren’t a lot of books that would speak to ME. Me as I am now, or even the me from high school.
So I decided I’d write what I’d want to read. Something that hit all the key elements that would have made a teenage me pick up that book without hesitation.
It had to include:
- magic and/or witches
- manipulation and game-playing (think Cruel Intentions)
- sarcasm
- characters who happened to be gay, who were not defined by their sexuality
People have said to me “Oh, I didn’t know this was a gay novel.” And my response is always some form of “That’s because it isn’t. Well it IS, but it isn’t.” The main character is gay, unapologetically, and a relationship starts to form over the course of the book. But at the same time it isn’t, because it’s a book about a feud, and a town full of secrets, and near death experiences, wayward spells, and demons.
One of the most important parts of that, for me, was having the story be about the story, rather than devolve into the character’s angst about their sexuality. There’s this belief that novels about gay characters fall into two categories: the coming out story, or the tragic story. And don’t get me wrong, both of those kinds of stories are incredibly important – if you’re struggling with coming out, reading a book with characters who are going through the same thing can help you. It gives you someone to relate to, when you might not have someone in your real life who can do so. Same with the tragic story – sometimes we want to watch a movie like Brokeback Mountain. Sometimes that’s something that we need.
But what about the rest of the time? One of the things I really wanted, but couldn’t find enough of, was novels that were identical to their straight counterparts – novels featuring gay characters where their sexuality was inconsequential, where the emphasis was still on the story. In the majority of YA that’s out there, straight characters don’t have to struggle to accept their sexuality, and I thought it would be nice to read somewhere where the gay characters didn’t, either.
So where are the books like that for gay kids? If you look at YA as a whole, there is a LOT of representation. Gay characters appear in many bestselling series, or as side characters in beloved books. But there’s a lot fewer novels that focus specifically on the gay characters, in which it’s there story being told.
Especially in the genre of paranormal/urban fantasy, where most gay characters are still on the sidelines. Side characters, rather than the leads. But I think that’s changing. Even in just the past couple of years, we’ve gotten Ash and Huntress by Malinda Lo, Shadow Walkers by Brent Hartinger, and Hero by the late Perry Moore.
It’s becoming more normal to read about gay characters in novels. They’re everywhere from Cassie Clare’s Mortal Instrument series, to Sarah Rees Brennan’s Demon Lexicon series; many people even talk about how Alec or Jamie are their favorite characters.
I think we’re coming to a point where we’ll start to see more and more novels that push “gay YA” novels from being “issue oriented” to becoming much like everything else: plot and story focused. Where the character could be straight or gay, and the story would be exactly the same. Because at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter.
Speaking of Malinda Lo, she wrote this fantastic piece on her blog entitled, “How hard is it to sell an LGBT YA novel?” I think it’s still tough, to a certain extent, but getting a book published, period, is tough. This may just be a little more tough, but when you get into this business you know that the odds are against you.
The reason? Publishing is a business. If you go out and buy books featuring LGBT characters (whether they are the focus of the story, or simply part of it), more books like that will get published.
Gay characters in YA are only as normal as we make them. That’s why I think it’s important to HAVE gay characters in novels, but it’s the same issue with not falling into character clichés, whitewashing characters, etc. It’s important to have all kinds of representation, but the trick is to not give in to tokenism.
It’s one of the reasons I think we’ll start seeing more and more novels come out where sexual identity is inconsequential. Because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, it’s all about the story.
>characters who happened to be gay, who were not defined by their sexuality
That’s good as long as one doesn’t ignore that you can’t write a story with LGBT leads as you would do for heterosexual gender-conforming ones.
Just look at Yaoi, Japanese homoerotic manga. Shit gone really wrong.
I completely agree with you, and love that you’ve written a book that caters right to this. This is something I’ve wanted, and I know plenty of others have as well. Not something that plays on the stereotypyes, or focuses on the “issue” of it, or even keeps the characters on the sidelines. I’ve wanted a gay protag who I can love as much as a straight one, and I think you’re awesome for even bringing this so up honestly and logically. =)
Almost all my books ended up with gay characters (main or peripheral). Their sexuality is a big part of who they are, but I tend to mainstream them. They are young people, among other young people. Because that is how gay people are in real life.
I think it’s hugely important to write them. To have them part of the scene. To spotlight them. Whatever. I have never, not even when I was just starting out as a novelist, had an editor tell me I couldn’t include gay characters. The more of us who write them, in whatever ways, the more acceptable gay people become–in books, or on the street.
So thanks for this!
I love that. You decided to write what you wanted to read. So true. And I think we should all do that.
Why should someone’s sexuality define them? We are so much more than that and our characters need to be too. And I don’t mean just throwing a gay character in just to have one. Make it true to the story! Make it about the plot and the character happens to be gay.
“but the trick is to not give in to tokenism.” YES.
I love this post, Scott. Thanks for sharing!
Great post! I really enjoyed it and I fully agree with you. My main character is gay in the paranormal romance I’m working on now and she shows no apology for it. 🙂 Happy to see that this idea is becoming more widespread throughout literature.
So well written and so true.
“It’s one of the reasons I think we’ll start seeing more and more novels come out where sexual identity is inconsequential. Because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, it’s all about the story.”
Absolutely. I think I’ll print this part out, a million times, and ninja-star throw it at anyone who naysays.
Witch Eyes is like the standing ovation before a really good encore. It’s going to spur a lot more epic, just because you had the guts to stand up and write what you wanted to read and listen to what you wanted to hear. If more people did that instead of focusing so much on the money and on what sells, then we’d have a lot of freaking good literature. Just like Witch Eyes.
[…] did a guest blog post on The Gay YA blog, talking about gay characters in YA and what I was going for when I wrote a gay […]